Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Sometimes there are so many words inside of me
brewing like a dozen kettles of water in my veins
itching, struggling to be given life.
And it scares me so, so much
knowing that they might never reach a page.
Instead left to decompose in the obscure caves of my interiors
where nobody will ever get to see their scintillating magic.
It's A Photo Swap!
Monday, June 7, 2010
Three seasons ago lovely blogger Rhianne from For the Easily Distracted came up with an amazing idea. One successful photo swap later, she is ready to host the second one. To view pictures from the 2009 swap, visit the photo swap blog.
Last year, my disposable camera traveled all the way from my little hometown in California to South Africa! Unfortunately, some things came up and I didn't receive pictures from my partner. In fact, I thought I wouldn't even get a chance to see the pictures that I had taken. Thankfully, with the help of my partner's brother, I was recently emailed all of them. It was such a lovely surprise. Below are a few of my favorites.

I can't wait to find out where my roll of film will travel to this year (especially since I won't have to settle for a disposable this time around. I have my own 35mm!) If you'd like to participate in this year's swap, you have until June 18th to sign up. Click on the icon below for more information.

The Gradual Workings Of A Seamstress
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
To be whole.
It's a process. A damn tricky one.
What is this state of being whole? Is it being happy? That must be part of it. The acceptance of flaws? Both your own and the imperfections of life? Yes. The strength to keep positive energy, even when life presents you with its toughest moments? Definitely.
I suppose being whole feels different to everyone. After all, we are all different balances and we house different perspectives. For me being whole is somewhere nestled between the above. True happiness comes with acceptance and acceptance remains only with a positive mind. It all sounds so beautiful and smooth- but something like that is much easier said than achieved. Which makes me remember that I'm human. And then I remember again: I'm human. One who lets her emotions get the best of her and one who, unfortunately, is suffering from a terrible, terrible case of a broken heart. But no matter how messed up I am I've accepted the workings of life. It began with the earlier post (Breath Of Life) and even though I fight battles inside of myself every day I understand. I accept.
Life doesn’t stop. No matter how bruised up you are or what’s broken. It won’t wait for you to stop grieving the parts of you that you have lost.
You can hide all you want. Host a thousand funerals for yourself. But life will keep going.
I have yet to master the art of sewing. To me, being whole requires the workings of a seamstress. The pieces of me are continuously changing. I am susceptible to change, to growth and evolution. Whenever a part of me is unstitched, I must find the part that will take its place- the piece that will help me on my journey to being whole.
Like I mentioned before, this is so much easier said then done.
And I must admit that I'm crying. Crying because I’m not there yet. Because I know it is going to take a lot to get there.
But I will get there.
And when I get there I will probably cry too because I'm just that type of person. *Smiles*
It's gradual, this process. It takes some losses- probably a lot more then anyone would like to think about. But remember that you chose what to replace your loss with. If you chose wisely you will always gain. Always. Always.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
So I've been thinking...
and thinking...
and thinking some more.
And I think, that maybe, most likely, I'm going to get inked.
Soon. Ish.
I have vague ideas about the ones I want. The problem is placing the correct one in the correct spot of my body.
I'll keep thinking.
I can't help but notice how much time I've been spending on Tumblr blogs like Bunny Mitford and Blue Pony. I have a lot of quotes, poetry and photographs that I've been saving for months now and I think its about time I begin a little Tumblr of my own. Aside from featuring art from other poets, photographers and musicians, I will also share my photography and my poetry.
I'm by no means going to abandon this blog, I simply will be using Tumblr as an electronic diary of inspiration- a collection of things that I love. So if you'd like to follow me or view my Tumblr, click here.
I Thought She Was Her
Thursday, May 27, 2010
and she is
but sometimes she forgets
and I wonder
and wander
-- Saul Williams
In The Dark
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
The darkroom to be more specific.
It was my home for the last couple of months. My favorite place in my little college campus. Looking at the prints develop right before my eyes- true magic- dictated my belief that for three or four hours of the day I was somewhat of a sorceress. Don't get me wrong though- my magic failed me time and time again but overall I'm happy with what I accomplished.
(Some of these scanned terribly, so bear with me.)